Open Mic Finder - Accurate information on open mic nights

Open Mic at Bar La Vida Loca, Newport

Event List
Times19:30 – 22:30
OccursEvery Wednesday
CategoryMusic Open Mic
Bar La Vida Loca, 370 Barrenjoey Road, Newport, 2106
Venue phone0405042106
Instagram @barlavidalocanewport
NotesOpen Mic is on at Bar LaVidaLoca!
To say we're excited is a vast understatement.
Join us weekly on Wednesdays for a night of musical intoxication. All you need is your instrument and a willingness to perform.
Open to all levels, and all types. No judgement here! Come along, hone your craft, meet some other like minded people and have a great night out!
GenresAcoustic/Electro-Acoustic Rock/Punk/Metal The Blues Folk Jazz Funk & Soul Rap/Hip-Hop/Beatbox Reggae Electronica/Synth Comedy Poetry Sea Shanty Storytelling World Music Musical Theatre Showtunes Magic Dance
These details were edited by Kashni Sharma on 20 May 2024. Has something changed? Edit it

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These details were last known to be accurate 4 months ago. It's a good idea to contact the venue before travelling. If you know that these details are either still accurate or definitely wrong, please help the open mic community by hitting the edit button above and submitting a revised version.

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